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Facebook Timeline: everything you need to know

By  Unknown     10:47 PM     
Facebook has rolled out Timeline, its new profile. Here are some tips describing how best to make use of the new features:
(click to zoom)

1. Cover photo

The first thing Facebook users should do when they open Timeline is to upload a large cover photo. It is the first thing people see when they get to a user’s page.

2. Activity Log

The ‘Activity Log’ lets Facebook users review all of the stuff they have posted on the site – such as photos or status updates. Only the user can see their ‘Activity Log’ and from this the user can decide what stuff to show and hide on their Timeline.

3. Sharing life stories

Users can fill out the Timeline with special moments from their lives. They need to click on ‘life event’ and then can add their baby photos, first car, graduation, engagement, wedding, new house, baby being born – or anything else.

4. Highlighting special moments and hiding the ones people would rather forget

For extra special moments, Facebook users can highlight them on their timeline by clicking on the star to make them extra big. Or they can remove anything they don't want to appear on their Timeline by clicking the pencil icon and selecting hide or delete.

5. Control privacy post by post

Change the privacy of anything on the Timeline by clicking on the dropdown next to any post. Members can choose the audience they want to see anything - ¬some things they can share publicly while other things they may only want to share with close friends.

6. Add apps to your Timeline

Facebook users can now tell a more complete story of who they are by adding new experiences to the Timeline profile – such as music they are listening to or films they are watching via applications.

About Unknown

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